The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

The Haven Church of England Methodist Primary School

Let your Light Shine


At the Haven we aim to teach science in a stimulating, engaging and exciting way, and mainly through scientific enquiries. Pupils across the school are provided opportunities to identifying theories and ideas to help them understand more about the natural world and the technological advances in the world we live in.  The science we teach all the year groups enables children to make sense of the world around them, and to make connections between their everyday lives and how technological advances contribute to changes, for better or for worse. Children learn how to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.   

We aim for the children to develop the key skills of scientific enquiry, progressively from Reception to Year 6.  The skills that we teach, practise and apply through practical activities, enquiries and investigations are: 

  • Observation 
  • Asking questions and challenging ideas and theories 
  • Suggesting ways to find answers 
  • Making predictions 
  • Investigating 
  • Measuring and estimating 
  • Comparing and contrasting 
  • Recording, collecting and interpreting data 
  • Drawing conclusions 
  • Communicating findings, including through the use of computing

At The Haven, our science learning also links directly to our school’s intent: ‘God in all we do’, ‘we are Eastbourne’ and ‘language for learning’.  

This is captured across the whole school through:

  • Discussions around different theories about the creation of the world
  • Consistently relating the schools’ Christian Values to science learning
  • Children across the school using the local area to support scientific understanding
  • Relating science directly to Eastbourne through investigating local resources
  • Building relationships with local professionals in the field of science to present to our children
  • Scientific word walls displayed in classrooms
  • Vocabulary word banks provided in lessons to support learning
  • Children developing and advancing more complex language as they progress through the school