Schools design their own tracking systems to say where children are in relation to the prescribed age expected content for each year group. This is benchmarked against national expectations at the end of Early Years (Reception), Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and the Year 1 Phonic Screening Check and Year 4 Times table test.
What does assessment look like at the Haven?
Our aim is for all children to achieve their full potential and become the very best they can be.
To make this possible it is necessary to:
- Monitor the progress of our children as they move through the school
- Assess the effectiveness of our teaching
- Maintain a climate of self-reflection and continuing improvement
Assessment is an integral part of this process.
Purpose of Assessment
- to gather information about the performance of individual pupils, groups and cohorts of pupils so that it can be used to inform target setting at a range of levels
- to gather information to inform teachers what should be taught next
- to provide information to inform the school’s strategic planning
- to track individual progress
- to allow children to be involved in their own learning
Formative (assessment for learning) This is ongoing and supports teachers planning, teaching and children’s learning and progress as it focuses on identifying the next steps the children must take to move forward. This day-to-day assessment is gained through marking (self-marking, peer-marking and teacher-marking), observation and questioning to assess the achievements of a pupil and to plan the next stage in learning.
Summative (assessment of learning) This is systematic recording of information, which leads towards a summary of where pupils have reached at a point in time. It provides a snapshot of what has been learned in terms of both attainment and achievement. This is an essential tool for identifying progress over time and helps us to modify the curriculum, where needed. This occurs at fixed points throughout the year. |
The Annual Assessment Harvest Cycle
Following the assessment points each teacher, in discussion with their colleagues, will analyse their results and take appropriate action. Analysis involves identifying gaps or barriers to learning and then planning the next steps in terms of effective pedagogy and personalized intervention.